We had our sixth day in a row of sunshine!! It is so great after starting the month with 17 out of 19 days of rain/grey.

Today was a typical day. Mom came home and we went for a walk. There are bunches of leaves on the ground and I love to sniff them all!

I really enjoy the sunshine. Pretty soon it will be dark for my "after work" walk.

Once we do the turn to start heading home, I like to stall. I stop and roll in the grass, lick myself and sometimes, I just lay there. I'm in no hurry to go back.

This is Spencer's house. I love to bark at him every time we pass. He usually comes to the sliding glass door and barks back at me. I love to hate him!!

Once I'm home I sit by my dish until I get all the treats I want.

Here I have my chew. I love them!!
One of my Mom's favorite blogs is the Bird Chick. She knows all about birds, bees and bunnies!! She just published a book on rabbits. They are very disapproving of everything!

Here I am with my very own autographed copy of "Disapproving Rabbits" by Sharon Stiteler.
I approve of all this disapproval!! Check out her blog in my list -- along with my other friends!!