We got a good 6 inches or so in the Twin Cities area yesterday.
We went to the soccer field and my mommy let me run off-leash. Woo hoo!!
There's nothing like running through the fluffy virgin snow.
I also like to lay in the snow and roll around and bury my nose in it. Can you see all the snow on my face?
Licking the snow is also fun. I could have just layed out in the snow all afternoon.
Hi, Clive
Looks like you are really enjoying the snow there!
Here we have 90 degrees so, no snow for us. But if I have to tell you the truth... I am happy with that! I don't like the cold weather.
Have a good night
All that snow looks fun to play in. Neither of us has played in snow before. Not sure if we would like it - we hate wet stuff.
Comet and BLU
Hi ya Clive!
You look white as snow till your in it but your puurdier. We want some, looks like your having so much fun and everything looks so bootiful, oh so love the stylish stockings, we're gonna have to talk to mama to update ours!
Lots of Love Licks & waggin tails!
Oh, it looks so fun playing with snow!!! Too bad I live in Malaysia.
awwwwwwwwwwww i want to come play with you! we didn't get anything.
how unfair.
i feel cheated.
Hey Clive,
Looks like your double coat kept you nice and warm despite the very very COLD snow. :)
Wow Clive! Look at all that snow! It doesn't snow here. I wish it did so I could play in it.
hi clive!
wow we're envious! look at all that snow - we wanna roll in them too, though we dun know how it feels like, and never will ...
great to see you had loads of fun!
BamBam & Eski
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