We had yet another visit to the vet today for another barrage of tests and was poked and prodded all over. I received the worst news I could get. Clive has a tumor on his urethra. It is inoperable. He could take chemo drugs to shrink the tumor but it won't get rid of it and may not necessarily relieve his condition. The drugs will likely make him sick/nauseous.
I am devestated, to say the least. It's been an emotional day and I just need a little emotional support I guess.
Here is Clive glad to be home from the vet and enjoying a chewie.
Extra hugs to your babies tonight.
It makes me feel so sad to hear about Clive's condition.
I really don't know what to say. I know you will do everything possible for him. Sure I hope the meds and your care will make him feel better.
I wish I was there giving you and Clive a big hug.
Keep us updated please.
Kisses and hugs
Hey kathy,
Lorenza told me that clive wasnt feeling well, so i came over to say that ill keep clive in my prayers!!
sending wet sloppy kisses your way!
love you lots,
Oh Kathy, this is so sad to learn. Get a 2nd opinion from a vet referral program to find a specialist. Big hugs
Clive buddy, we wish we could do something fur you. We will pray and know all your friends love you. The meds may not effect you the way the doc says, so stay positive. Love Licks and healing wishes.
Lorenza sent us over but we didn't realize it was such bad news. Clive is such a sweet fellow. We want to help in any small way so we will keep Clive and the family in our prayers.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
We are so sorry to hear the bad new about Clive. We second the idea about a second opinion just to make sure there aren't other options. Hang in there, buddy. We're rooting for you.
oh i heard from Lorenza that Clive wasn't feeling too well and came over here. poor baby. i hope the meds will help and that he feels better soon. i agree with Crikit, Sparky and Ginger, try getting a second opinion.
I hop over from C,S&G's blog.
I am so sorry to hear about Clive. Have you got a 2nd opinion? why dun you join some yahoo or msn discussion group related to this issues to see what other pet owners do and learn something from their experience?
I understand your stress but please take good care of yourself. Try to talk to some other pet owners. it will help some how.
Clive will be in our thoughts. Take care.
Hello Clive, I found out from my good friend Lorenza that you were not feeling well. I'm so sorry about your condition. My mom's sister lives in Minnetonka, and my mom use to live in St. Louis Park, and Burnsville. You look like a mini version of my Samoyed brother Monty. I will be sure to say some prayers for you!
woofies Clive and Kathy...me sooo sorrwy u not feelies good Clive...me agrees git a second opionion...me and mama will keep u in our thots and prayers and wish u better news....me will git mama to go net surfin and c watt she can find..
b safe and take care of u,
Hi we came straight from sweet Lorenza's blog to let you both know we are sending our very best thoughts of comfort.
You are not alone going through this.
wags of encouragement and strength from the whippets, and their Servant too
Hi Kathy & Clive,
We've just been visiting Lorenza's blog who told us about Clive being unwell.
We are sorry to hear this sad news but we are keeping all paws crossed that the medication will have a positive effect.
Take care.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Kathy & Clive,
We heard about your condition from Crikit, Sparky and Ginger.
Thou' far away... But rest assured we have you close in our prayers.
Do update whenever possible.
There are many here for you!
Goofy & Rudolf
Hi Clive, I came here from Lorenza's blog. I hope you're doing better. I'm keeping my paws crossed for you
~ Girl girl
I am so sorry to hear about Clive's condition.
I big kiss for you Kathy and Clive too...keep us inform about his condition.
Our paws are crossed for you, Clive! You're sure one handsome boy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Clive - and Kathy - so sorry to hear your news.
What a sad condition for such a gorgeous-lookign dog.
We will send you both lots of Pippathoughts.
Pippa (kate & adrian too)
Hi Clive & Kathy,
Just read about Clive on the DWB news. We are so sorry to hear about his condition. Sending hugs and kisses to you during this difficult time.
Love Clover xo
Poor thing! I really hope he will get better soon. Will be thinking about him tonight...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
we're sorry to hear about that.
like wat the others said, i would too, suggest you get a second opinion.
be positive and stay strong!
*big hugz to Clive*
We just heard about Clive and wanted to let you know we're sending Sibe Vibes from our pack. They have been known to work real well but if nothing else know that there are many that know what you're going through and are thinking of you.
Hello Clive,
My pal Lorenza told me you weren't feeling well so I wanted to come on over and say my paws are crossed that you get to feeling better& that Me & mom will say a special prayer for you!
This is such sad news and we wish we could do something to make things better. Please know we're all here for you both.
Maryann & the Brats
My heart breaks for you and Clive. Words offer so little solace and comfort during the saddest of times like this. I hope love will give you both strength in the days and weeks ahead.
hi Kathy, we read about Clive on Lorenza's site. we sure wish we could do something to help you and him. we are sending you our best poodle-vibes so that you two can make it through this difficult time. we agree with getting a 2nd opinion - it never hurts. and please hang in there. give each other lots of kisses and fluffy love. we are hoping for the best.
healing woofers
Dear Kathy, I have just read the very sad news via DWB - I am so so sorry, you must be feeling totally at a loss with this news.
Sending you all our love and light from Scotland, please keep us updated, Clive is such a beautiful dog, we have a special place in our hearts for him. We always like visiting your blog. Life is not fair.
Healing licks from Marvin, and all good wishes and love to you and your family and of course to sweetheart Clive.
Jeannie and Marvin in Scotland xxxxxx
I am so sorry to hear the bad news about Clive. How sad. A second opinion or specialist sound like a good idea.
Good luck to you and Clive. We pray for him and for you.
Love and Koobuss Kisses
Koobie and Family
pee ess Clive sure is beautiful.
Hey Clive and Kathy. We are so, so sorry to here about your health issue. We think it would be a good idea to get a second opinion. Maybe they can refer you to a specialist that could help you. We will be saying lots of puppy prayers for you and are sending you lots of wet smooches! If you feel up to it would you like to get together with us for a play date us some time? That would be awesome. Best wishes and Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Hi Kathy and Clive,
We are so sorry to hear this news. We had hoped it would be something less severe. Did the vet say what the chances of success would be if Clive did take chemo? And how long he would have to take it? Maybe you could ask about this condition on the eskie board. Maybe someone could offer suggestions.
We're glad to see Clive's pictures, enjoying his chewie. Is he still pretty active and energetic?
Please keep us posted.
My mom and I are praying for you and for Clive. Bichon hugs coming your way. Love, Fred
I am sorry to hear about clive. Love him as long as you can and I agree with the poster who said if you can get a second opinion. You never know what they might say.
I am so sad to hear your news. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
~ChaChi and JET
We were sent over from Ginger, Sparky and Crikits blog and we are so so sorry to hear about Clive, We will keep him and mummy in our prayers and hope that the medicine can help.
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
We heard about Clive from Clover's blog. Lots of hugs and purrs and purrayer for all of you.
We are so sorry to hear about Clive's illness. We are hoping for the best. May he be pain free. Give him lots of licks from us.
Hi Clive,
Sending you lots of love, licks and prayers!
Tofu (and Nancy)
Hi KAthy --
We are very sad to hear the news about Clive ... Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers ... We are thinking of you all ...
Putter ...
Oh Clive we are sending good husky vibes and prayers for you.
Kathy we are sending hugs for your mom. Please know that we are thinking of you'all.
Please keep up updated.
Lots of love to you and Clive.
We feel so bad to hear about Clive. Be sure and give him some extra pats and hugs...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
I'm so vewy sowwy that you awe sick, I think youw Mom needs lots of extwa love and cuddles..I hope you'we not huwting..I will pway that you don't huwt and that you can contwol youw condition fow a long time..I hope the medcin helps and doesn't make you feel wowsew..healing smoochie kisses,Asta
Bless your heart, you and Clive are certainly in our paryers.
Oh, Clive and Kathy we are so sad to hear about this. We will be thinking of you. In the meantime give each other lots of hugs and Clive you can eat lots of chewies too. Please know that your friends at DWB's are all wishing the best for you both!
Woofs Casper, Buddy,Nikki and Momma
Kathy and Clive, Hang in there - you are in our hearts and prayers.
Lenny and mom Kelley
I'm SO VERY SORRY to hear about Clive! I know you must be devastated! You have so many human and dog friends here to support you-you are not alone! we wish we could give you lots of licks and hugs! And mom wished she could give you a big hug!
Velcro, the boy kitties: Kodak, Winton and Perf and the human: Penny
Lorenza told us poor Clive was unde the weather. Our thought, prayers,a dn love go out to you.
Many Sniffs
Waylon & Willie
Many Prayers
We are so sad to hear about Clive's illness. We know that you love him and whatever decision you make for him will be in his best interest. He looks like such a sweet pup and a real trooper!
Lots of love and healing licks,
Ozzie & Rocky
Me and the Mommy just heard about Clive's illnes from Lorenza. The Mommy understands everything you are going through because she went through the same thing when she lost her Samantha, the sister I never knew. Please know that your little man will always be in our prayers as will you. Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do to help you.
You and Clive will be in our thoughts & prayers.
Mona & the Mommy, Sarah.
I came over as soon as I heard the news from Lorenza. :( If you do get a 2nd opinion, please keep us posted. I will keep Clive in our prayers.
Everyone needs some uplifting once in a while, so we stopped by from Lacy Lulu's after learning Clive is sick. We know you are taking good care of him.
jans funny farm
Hi Clive, read about you from Lorenza's. Hang in there, ok?Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you Clive at this time - and big hugs to your mum too.
Please go get a second opinion - it couldn't hurt.
Sending lots of love and healing good vibes your way. Hang in there buddy.
Opy, Charlie, Greg and Brooke
Kathy, Lorenza told us about Clive being sick so we popped straight over. We'll be sending our most comforting thoughts your way.
Hugs and sneezes,
the WriggleButts
Hi Clive,
I am so sorry to hear about your illness. Your friend Lorenza told me you weren't feeling well. We will keep our paws crossed for you that you will be comfortable and happy. Love goes a long way!
Kathy & Clive:
We've come from Lorenza's blog -
Please get a second opinion or ask for a specialist - Try to keep you outlook positive - crazy what a good attitude can do !
We have you both save in our prayers & in our thoughts....
My mom and i are so sad to hear this. We heard about Clive over at Ginger, Sparky and Crikit's, and wanted to say our thoughts are with you. Hang in there Clive and stay pawsitive.....
I just wanted to add one more thing....maybe get a second opinion. You should read the story I have posted on my small world about my sister Misty, who had to have a kidney removed. Miracles do happen, they really do. We really believe this at my house. Don't ever give up. Take a look at Misty's Story:
--JB, and JB's mom
Kathy, we didn't know Clive, he's a lovely snowball... We are here because we read about him in Lorenza's blog. . . But this is a very bad news, we are sad, too. But we know you will take care of him always. We will come back. Kisses.
crikit sparky and ginger told us clive me and my mommy that clive was not well..we are keeping him and you in our thoughts and prayers!
give him puppy slobberz from me (and mommy)
kaiser blaze
Lorenza told us that Clive is sick and we are so sorry to hear that he is not well. We had to watch our cocker go through a time of illness last summer and it was so hard. Just be there for Clive. Hold him and love him. We're praying for you guys.
theres gotta be something you can do! Yes, i think you should see if you can find another opinion. Maybe they could operate. There are many specialists.
I'm so very sorry, i love clive!
Me and sister are crying! But, we can't give up hope, yes! We must see if we can fight it.
Sister says, there was this one doggie that came in when he was a pup, and the doctor said - theres no way this dog is going to live, its going to be dead in 6 months. That doggie is 14 now!
Another doggie came in a while back, and he has cancer, said- probably about a year at most... but he managed 5! And he was an older doggie.
So never give up hope ok? We just have to look harder for a solution.
sending love and prayers and hope and everything good your way,
isis, and sister.
purrs and love from the kitty community! We will all be praying and wishing for clive!
Make sure to give him extra treaties, let him eat what he wants! he should be made very happy!
Just, love him with everything you have.
Keep us posted.
Hey hope you're holding up alright there. Do try to spend more time with Clive and perhaps, things might get better with more TLC. Take good care and update us yea. =)
Lotsa licks,
Hello Clive's Mommy Kathy,
Lorenza & LacyLu told me about Clive and me and the Mommy want ya to know our thoughts and prayers are with you and Clive. me Mommy went throught the same stuff with her first doggie Samantha so she understands how hard it is & will be but remember that there are many doggies and their Mommy praying for him. when his time comes Samantha will be waiting at the Rainbow bridge to welcome him in.
Love Mona & thr Mommy
Dear Kathy,
This is very very sad to know. I am purring and purring and praying for you and Clive!!
Purr, and lots of love from Taipei.
Adan * michico
Clive and Mom, we read about your sad news on the DWB feedline. We're right in there with the people who are suggesting a second opinion and gathering information, but we like the idea of extra hugs and kissies from both of you.
Healing vibes along the Wires
I'm so sorry you are sick, Clive. Lorenza sent me over to wish you well. Keep your hope alive!
Oh no, my heart goes out to you -- my family is sending lots of purrs to you -- Clive is a beautiful woofie, and we'll keep him in our thoughts!
Love and kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao, the Ballicai and our Beans.
Kathy & Clive,
I'm a friend of Tesla and I red the news which is awful.
Even though I don't know you, I hope you are keeping up spirits. It is have to see something terrible happen to such a good friend.
My thoughts are with both of you. Big head nudge o both of you.
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear of Clive's condition. We will keep you and him in our thoughts and prayers.
Shelli and Fur Kids - Sitka and Tia
We heard about your news from the DWB news and we also agree with a 2cd opinion and a look at alternative medical treatments also.We send you love adn healings hugs.Agatha and Archie
We are sorry to meet Clive in such a situation. We heard about this from Tesla. That is a hard diagnosis to hear. We will be purring for you and your family.
We are very sorry to hear about Clive. We are sending you purrs and good doggy thoughts.
Riley, Tiki, & Kesey
I am sending Clive and you purrs. I am so sorry.
Much love to you both,
Hello Clive,
Sorry to meet under sad circumstances - but we wanted to send you our best wishes today, as soon as we learned of your painful condition.
Lots of wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
I heard about Clive from Lorenza, and had to come by to send some goober smooches to you and to Clive. I'm so sorry about Clive's tumor. Please give him snuggles and hugs from me and my hoooman girl, and feel free to say whatever you need to on the blog. We are all here for you.
Stanley & his hooman girl
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