Saturday, December 8, 2007

Santa Saturday

Here are the many faces of Santa in our home this holiday season.

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Felt and yarn Santa on a "Noel" sign on the front door.

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Sitting Santa that sits on a ledge.

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My co-worker, Harry Carlson, handcarved this santa for me.

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A hand-carved and hand-painted Russian Santa that I received from a co-worker's husband who used to travel to Russia. She has since passed away from cancer. It is a cherished possession of my moms.

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What would Christmas be without a Ty plushie Santa?!!!

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This is a Santa Bear from Dayton's Department Store. One of my favorites that they sold during the holiday season. They had a different one very year.

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A handblown glass Santa that did't photograph very well.

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My Mom's favorite Santa. You can put a candle inside him and he glows from all his cracks and crevises. He is very shiny and happy!

Hope you are all getting in the holiday mood. My mom and her friend have decided that because we love Christmas so much we insist that everyone be be happy! Afterall, it's Christmas dammit!!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Clive
How many Santas do you have in your house??
We have only two and one of the is in the cover of the toilet!
Have a good night

L said...

You have a lot of Santa's in your house. We don't have any (except those that are on some of the Christmas cards we received). Our girl is a scrooge.
Comet and BLU

Hana said...

Wow, you have beautiful Santas! I hope each of them give you a gift this Xmas! The one that is hand carved is pretty neat. So is the handblown one. And.... they are all so very unique!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Whoa Clive you sure better be good cos he (they) see when you are good or bad so be good for goodness sakes hey!

Lots of Love Licks pal!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

oh us again! hey buddy sniff over when ya get a chance, we got somthing for ya BF!

waggin Tx tails!