Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Winter Wonderland


Merry Christmas everyone! Come for a walk with me in my winter wonderland. We got lots of snow on Sunday.


I like to "chill" in the snowbanks.


Check out the huge snowbank!


This is my cul de saq right in front of my house.


This is my nephew, Harrison's, first Christmas.


His twin brother,Christopher, is cuddling with Grandma!


L said...

That's a lot of snow you have! I bet you can't get lost in the snowbank with your pretty ribbon necklace.

We hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!
Comet and BLU

Lorenza said...

Hi, Clive
I hope you had a great day celebrating with your family!
Those babies are soooo cute!
Have a good night

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Merry Merry Christmas! Bet Santa was really good to you!

Love Licks
pee es your very 1st picture should be your Christmas card always! xo

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I wish I was living there then I can join you for a walk in your Winter Wonderland. Aren't your paws furreeezing walking out there?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

There is plenty of snow for you to mark!! Wish is would snow in Texas!!
You have some very cute nephews. Our Dad has a twin sister too...
Gus and Louie

Kim from Kansas said...

Enjoying your blog!

Hana said...

Wow Clive! Looks like you are having an awesome time in the snow!!! Those are great photos of you!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Stop on over to our blog. Mom posted the link to the prime rib recipe and man is it good and easy!!!

Ivy said...

wut a pawsome pickture! i like that first one of you in the snow very much. tell your photographer congrats on a nice one.

harrison and christopher are so cute!! they look a little older than my benjamin baby. did they get lots of presents?

luv ivy

Mojo said...

Wow Clive!! You have as much snow as we do!! It looks like you had fun. Oh, and the smallish people are cute!!
Happy Holidays!!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Happy New Year! 2008 is gonna be great!

xo waggin TX tails