Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Night Favorites

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My mom says she loves this pictures because it shows my ear tufts. She just loves those. I don't get it, but she's kind of weird that way.

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This is a favorite picture and memory of my mom's first dog, Tink. She got him when she was 18 (pictured here) -- and he was only about 6 weeks. He as taken too soon from his mother but she helped him thrive until 15 years old. Thanks for the love Tink.

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This is another favorite of my moms, Jonny Lang. It's not the best picture but she was in first row at a small venue and just loving it. She likes his tufts too. :)


L said...

My girl always combs down our ear tufts - she thinks they make us look like bats - especially BLU

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh that puppy picture of your mum and Tink was lovely.

Your ear tufts are way too handsome you know, very distinctive!